American Meltdown: Trump threatens the world with thermonuclear war to maintain American hegemony

American Meltdown: Trump threatens the world with thermonuclear war to maintain American hegemony

Few people recognize the fact that we are living in The Judgment of Adam’s world and “The Fall Of America.” Those who do understand it ,would like it to be a lie. Most have fallen for the tricks, pleasures, and deceptive traps of this fallen world.

Turmoil is everywhere. Panic has set in and the people are fearful over their future…if they have a future. Governments are collapsing under the weight of debt and disillusionment.

America being the greatest and most powerful of these nations of this world, once upon a time, is terrified over the fact that her days as global hegemon are quickly coming to close. The curtains are closing on the era of America’s dominance.

Her every move is to go to war and threaten others with weapons she works at a fever pitch to prevent others from obtaining. But what can you expect? She is a desperate falling empire and these are desperate times for her world order.

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