Hypnotized by the echoes of war, Europe is being called to arms


Day by day you can now grasp the truth of what we have been warning you about. Yes there will be a war in Europe. This will not be any war though.

What is coming to that continent that has produced war, grief, occupation, genocide, greed, culture theft, poverty, misery, and global instability and destabilization….will make World War 1 and World War 2 look like preschool play.

“Russia and America are after each other under their skin. Russia is pretty smart. America is as smart. We like them both smart like that.”-pg.54(o.s.h.a.)

This is clear for anyone who is looking. The military build up. The signaling of war from the two, to the two. The political jockeying. The constant threats and counter threats shows us where this thing will eventually lead.

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