No longer instilling fear in Asia, China warns US to walk lightly & carefully examine your words before you speak!


No longer instilling fear in Asia, China warns US to walk lightly & carefully examine your words before you speak!

One of the greatest things that hinder America’s fall and one of the greatest obstacles and hurdles for America is her imperial hubris. I cannot state this enough. Her arrogance is what has caused her downward spiral economically, culturally, industrially, scientifically, militarily, and politically has been, and still is, America’s arrogance and intransigence towards all.

She is drunk on power…power that she no longer wields. Her military officials and politicians are inebriated over the former glory days of American empire and can get past that.

They are still drunk on the power that they used to have and the clout they used to have and the position they used to enjoy. They just can’t see past the glory days of old.

The addiction to the power and influence that they used to project and the unrivaled military and economic advantage they used to enjoy the world over has them confused and unwilling to look at the new paradigm that is shaping up without her as the judgment, jury, executioner, and power broker.

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