The pillar of Adam’s world is dying – White American deaths exceed births in 17 states


american-unborn-baby No matter how the American political classes flood black/urban communities with guns, liquor, porn, drugs, and inundate them with violent music, movies, and magazines…no matter how many laws they pass and how many of black America they incarcerate in one form or another, truth be told, they are frightened to death at what the statistics state.

Even as some ignorant blacks help to kill and incarcerate their own kind, out of love and fear of their 400year old oppressors, the birthrate easily outpaces the death rate. This has them terrified because they understand that all of their poisoning of the air, food, and water to kill you off silently and with all of the help that the medical field lends in this effort, they keep drawing up blanks.

They can’t incarcerate, kill, make junkies & alcoholics, kill through deployment of them to battlefield centers, or silently kill with weak healthcare or on the surgeons table to stop, suppress, or downturn the constant birthrate of black America.

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