4 Simple, All-Natural Steps To Rebuilding Your Gums (That Don’t Involve The Dentist)


4 Simple, All-Natural Steps To Rebuilding Your Gums (That Don’t Involve The Dentist)


It’s common for people these days to have issues with their gums. Many people have been told that their gums are “withering away” or thinning, and even have tooth loss as a result. One young woman I spoke with in the past few months was only in her 20s, and yet her dentist told her she would need three implants and would eventually lose all of her teeth.

Others have periodontal disease and can’t seem to make any progress. They do what the dentist and hygienist says, and yet their mouth never improves.

The teeth weren’t constructed in such a way that missing a day or more of brushing or flossing would be the entire cause of these gum diseases. Instead, you have to look at what is happening in the entire body. The gums are made from tissues synthesized in the body from all the appropriate building materials – protein, silica, vitamin C, copper, zinc and other nutrients.

In the past 12 years, I’ve had many patients in my nutritional practice that have had gum issues. Once the overall nutrition is upgraded, the gum problems disappear. This gives evidence to the idea that when you provide everything the body needs to heal, the gums heal. And the beauty of this strategy is that not only will the gums heal, but so will other areas of the body. Your body loves to heal many things simultaneously.

Diatomaceous Earth: The Most Versatile ‘Stuff’ You Can Own!

Below is a step-by-step strategy for healing your gums that I use with many patients. Obviously it is not specific to every case, so results are variable depending on what’s happening in your mouth. However, most people will be able to see rapid improvement quickly.

1. Cut the sugar

Stop eating sugary foods and beverages laced with corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. Sugar directly damages your teeth, causing cavities. It alters your body pH so that minerals are pulled out from tissues like the gums just to keep the pH constant in the blood. It’s your choice: Either you want healthy teeth and gums or you want sugar.

2. Eat enough protein

If you’re on a low-protein diet for any reason other than a medical reason, consider what you are doing to your body. Protein is a requirement for life. If you provide enough of it, your body can start to repair itself. If you don’t provide enough, little by little your body’s protein stores will be depleted. Since the gums aren’t high priority, you can expect their structure to fall sooner before other tissues in your body.

How much is enough protein? Take your body weight in pounds and divide by two. This gives you the number of grams needed per day. Then, divide the protein amount by three to know how many grams you will need at each meal. Here’s an example: Mary weighs 140 pounds. 140/2 = 70 grams of protein needed for the day. 70/3 = 23.33 grams of protein per meal.

3. Take your vitamin C supplements.

A minimum of 1,000 milligrams per day is helpful. In many cases, 2,000 milligrams daily is better. Vitamin C is especially important to prevent bleeding at the gum line.

4. Use diatomaceous earth (DE) as a dietary supplement.

This is a source of dietary silica, which rebuilds gums fast. Get the USDA food & chemical grade version of this, which does not contain any insecticides or other chemicals. The food and chemical grade DE is not the same as the pool grade DE, which is toxic. Always remember food and chemical grade.

Take one heaping tablespoon twice daily and also do a mouth rinse with one teaspoon of DE and water twice daily. You’ll notice a difference quickly. In each tooth are approximately three miles of tubules that rebuild your teeth. The DE goes directly into the tubules and starts rebuilding the teeth from the inside out while it’s also working directly on your gums.

Healing your gums is as simple as rebuilding them. All you have to do is get started.


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