US plans to destabilize Cuba are in full effect – U.S., Cuba to announce reopening of embassies on Wednesday


1426820096_15211838_ver1.0_640_480 This is a very big mistake on the part of Cuba. Cuba doesn’t really need the trade, even though it would add billions to the government budget. But at what costs?

Fidel Castro’s brother Raul, the President of Cuba, must not be paying close attention to America’s actions in Libya, Syria, the Balkans, & Hong Kong. America is the queen of color revolutions.

img-Cuba-U-S-expected-to-announce-reopening-of-embassiesThis is how they did Libya. They befriended Saif Gaddafi, only to use their embassies in the country to fund and promote a color revolution. This wound up being just the opening American elitists needed to wage war and recolonize Libya.

Do not for one minute think that these are not plans in the works now. It is also an effort to undermine Russia’s strategic presence there. If they can destabilize Cuba, Russia could not retaliate against America’s missile deployments to Europe, by placing them in Cuba.

This thing is explosive. All i see for them is war coming. This thing will soon get completely out of hand!

Cuba will live to regret it. If you don’t believe it, just stick around!

U.S., Cuba to announce reopening of embassies on Wednesday


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U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday will announce that the U.S. and Cuba have reached an agreement to reopen embassies in Washington and Havana, local media reported, quoting senior U.S. officials.

“We will formally announce tomorrow that the United States and Cuba have reached an agreement to re-establish formal diplomatic relations and open embassies in each other’s capitals,” one senior U.S. administration official told CNN.

The U.S. and Cuba have been talking on the re-establishment of embassies after last December’s relation-restoring announcement.

The ending of Washington’s half-century freeze with Havana is seen as a major foreign policy legacy of the Obama administration.

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