Fulfilling the actions of Biblical “Herod”: NSA scoops up images for facial recognition programs

Why is she going to such lengths of spying on the masses? Is is because she is well aware of the time and what must come to her? She reminds me of Herod in the Bible who knew that his time for ruling was near its end and wanted to watch the people to try to beat prophecy and find out that one who would take her, before he was able to grow up.
This is exactly how America is acting. This is precisely how she is carrying on. She is fulfilling these prophetic sayings to the very letter and spirit.
  I warn her now. America, you will not be successful. We are now watching the incoherent actions of a depraved insane sociopath that is trying against time, to hold on to her rule.
   It, the judgment i mean, is coming to her because of these policies, because she still refuses to give freedom indeed to her ex-slaves and finally give them justice and what is due to them…”The world of the white man is now crumbling and coming to naught. The safety of the Black man is in His God. As the Holy Qur’an teaches us, in this day and time, seek refuge in Allah, the God of the Black man. He is the only place of refuge.

We have made America one of the richest and strongest people on earth. Her mighty navy is commanding the high seas with undersea craft crawling on the bottom of the ocean, carrying deadly weapons to surface and pour out on towns and cities of other than America and with listening devices set up throughout the earth on land, sea, and in the air, to listen to see what people are saying about her and planning against her, knowing she is guilty and deserving of death, and that she should be taken and destroyed.

She has prepared to put up a mighty battle, but Allah too has prepared and He is the Best Preparer; knowing their thoughts before they were ever made. They have not the slightest chance today against the power of Allah that is working against them, even through the forces of nature.”–pgs.82 & 83(tfoa)

NSA scoops up images for facial recognition programs (via AFP)

The US National Security Agency is scooping up large quantities of images of people for use in facial recognition programs, the New York Times reported Sunday, citing top secret documents. The Times said documents, which were obtained from fugitive…

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