Evacuation or war preparations? Russia sends four more warships to Mediterranean Sea near Syria.


   There are new news reports stating that Russia is deploying warships off the coast of Syria to evacuate its nationals if need be, but there was also a similar report  in december of last year. It was reported by most alternative media, including some of Russia’s mainstream media, but it proved to be false.

  They did deploy warships ,but they were not deployed to evacuate Russian nationals. According to Russian political heads and military officials , they were there to deliver war materials to the Syrian government. This may be said of the same.

  Just think about it. Almost all eastern media outlets (outside of aljazeerah & a few others) are reporting that the tide has swung in favor of the Syrian government militarily. Even Russian papers are reporting these events. Why would you evacuate your citizens when your allie is winning?

  It doesn’t make sense. I call your attention to when israel bombed a Syrian lab a few years ago, right after that Russia deployed “military advisors along with air defense technicians”. Has not the same thing occurred recently? Didn’t the Ireali strike destroy some air defense systems that were about to reach operational status?

   My guess is there are just a few possibilities here; Either Russia has struck a back door deal and has sold out Assad(not highly likely because they rather deal with someone they can trust and whom they know), or Russia is sending signals to Israel & America/NATO over any possible military intervention(highly likely), or Russia is sending in new weaponry and advisors under the cover of evacuating Russian nationals like before(which is the most likely cenario)!

  If the last two are the case look for a more confident Assad and a massive counter assault nationwide in Syria in the coming days to weeks and look for Syria to immediately retaliate militarily against any other outside aggression coming from its borders with Israel, Turkey, or Jordan.

  Again, why do you need a large naval armada for evacuation? Russia has ships just for this purpose. Also it would be more economically sound to transport evacuees via airlift. And notice that these 4 warships are meeting up with others that are already stationed there on a permanent rotating basis.

Russia sends four more warships to Mediterranean Sea near Syria

Russia sends four more warships to Mediterranean Sea.

Russia sends four more warships to Mediterranean Sea.
Source: Presstv
A flotilla of four Russian warships is heading to the Mediterranean Sea near the Syrian waters, Russian Defense Ministry says.

The ministry said in a statement to Russian media on Tuesday that the four warships will join an escort ship and smaller vessels, which are currently on duty in the area.

Russia’s Ria Novosti news agency quoted a military source as saying that the main task of the deployed ships could be participating in a possible evacuation of Russian nationals from Syria.

“Even though the tasks of the warships has not been announced, it can be assumed that given the development of the situation in the region their main job will be taking part in a possible evacuation of Russian citizens from Syria,” the source said, according to the Russian news agency.

Also on Tuesday, Russian Emergencies Ministry said it sent two planes to the Syrian port city of Latakia to transfer 46 tons of humanitarian aid for civilians in the Arab country.

A ministry spokesman also said the planes would evacuate any Russians wanting to return to Russia on the flight back.

Russia also deployed five landing ships, carrying military vehicles and hundreds of marines, as well as combat vessels in the eastern Mediterranean in January.

The diplomatic sources said at the time that the ships were deployed to participate in a naval drill and to deter any military intervention by the Western states in Syria.

In December, Russia also sent warships carrying a marines unit to Syria’s Mediterranean port of Tartus, where Moscow has a naval base.

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