Operation “Lock’em up”: The American prison system is so massive that its estimated turnover of $74 billion eclipses the GDP of 133 nations.


   We know that the justice system was founded upon the blood of the poor and the innocent so-called negroes of America. Though America only makes up a very small percentage of the global population, she makes up over 25% of the world’s prison population.

  She is #1 in the world with converting people into convicts. And as we said, she makes up 25% of the prison population of the world, and of that percentage, over 75% of that prison population is comprised of black America, which only makes up anywhere from 15 to 25%(according to which numbers you read) of the total population of America.

  You see with this…” The American white people are more concerned about mistreating the Black once-slave of America than America is concerned with any nation on earth that is attacking her out-lying posts. Her enemies are intensifying their attacks on her. America is right out of the frying pan into the fire all over the earth, due to her evil intentions against her loyal Black once-slaves. Her talk of evil-doing against the Black once-slave in America is worse than it is against independent nations that are trying to attack and destroy her country. White America has more hatred for the Black once-slaves in her midst who are faithfully fighting on the firing- line to help her against her enemy than she is against the enemy that they are shooting down.

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