The lake of fire in the Bible is America…She is on fire!


  Lets be real. The judgment of America is such that everyone is realizing the ultimate of her, which lies just around the corner. Have you seen the sudden massive down pours taking place in different cities across America? Have you seen the sudden snow storms burying cars and trucks?

   Something is telling us that things are changing. Never did you ever witness things like this decdades ago. Just look at how intense the lightening is today. Look at how devastating the tornadoes have become, some of which linger on the ground for close to an hour.

  You never thought that this was possible. Look at how the terrific drought,which ravaging America’s bread basket, now refusing to let her out of its grip. This thing has been going on since last winter. Unheard of I tell you. We are also feeling earthquakes on the West Coast, on the East Coast, in the Middle West, and now even in Southern states.

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