The new minority–death of the Adamic people!


     Many times we have told you that we are at the end of the white word, especially the American white man. As the Bible says to the Adamic people, Thou shalt labor for 6 days( 6,000 years), but on the 7th day(the 7,000th year), thou shalt rest from all thy labor. This means that they shall be put to death and the stain of their wicked rule removed from the pages of history.

  America has lived in peace — so far as foreign war is concerned. She has destroyed other peoples and their towns and cities. She has leveled them to the ground. She is still prepared to do the same with her great stockpile.

 She says she has enough bombs and destructive weapons to destroy all human beings on the face of the earth three times, and still have some left. Of this she boasts. But now she knows that we are living in a new day.

  These are no longer the days of the 6,000th year. So this is not America’s day anymore. These are “The Days of Allah.” This is why you see downward or near dead birthrates of white folks here in America, and around the globe.

  They are unnatural people who were allowed to exist for only a limited time, then nature itself will rid itself of that unnatural stain. So their people are dying and their world is imploding and collapsing under the weight of its own wickedness and corruption.

  …”This is what is meant by the old passing away and a new coming into existence. There was a new world of the white race that came into a vacuum in our history, from the 9,000th year to the 15,000th year of our calendar history, a vacuum made in our past 16,000 years, of 6,000 years, given to the white race to rule. We are now in the 15,000 year of our calendar history of 25,000 years.

  The rule of the white race terminates at the 16,000th year and that year is the beginning of the Black nation’s rule again, as we ruled before the 9,000th year of Yakub’s making. This is the beginning of what is prophesied — the 7,000th year, meaning the seventh thousandth year after the rule of 6,000 years by the white race, and in our calendar history, it is the white race, and in our calendar history, it is the 16,000th year (this is called the 7,000th year by the Christian writers).”–Chp.23(o.s.h.a.)

  ….”The American so-called Negro has been made out of himself and kind by the white Americans . He must now be reformed. In fact, God has promised him a new body. The Bible and the Holy Qur’an teach us that we will be a new people altogether. He was destroyed and acts ignorant and foolish. He is not aware of his ignorant actions because he has become a part of ignorance.

 Now the end of the term which was set for the white man has come. The average so-called Negro, the lost found member of the Black nation does not know that this is the end of the world of the white man (his rule over the Black nation). He will not listen to one of his own kind who tells or teaches him of the time and doom of the world that we have known (white man’s world).”–pg.61(tfoa)


White Deaths Exceed Births in US For First Time – Report


WASHINGTON, June 13 (RIA Novosti) – Deaths among white people in the United States exceeded births for the first time last year, census data released Thursday indicate, in what the Washington Post described as a “surprising” first for the country.

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