Book Of The Week : The Two Faces Of Man

Submitted By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

” When a nation fails to live up to the principles of survival then it is living a jungle life. A jungle life is one of confusion and arrogance, without respect for the law. The jungle life is where the term “the Law of The Jungle” originated, which means to kill or be killed. The purpose of a human being on earth is to become spiritually perfect, but he never will until he accepts himself. The nature of man is dual; he can be animalistic or divine. The human being must recognize and accept each aspect of his or her nature to be complete. Society indicates different aspects of a man’s character. Man makes himself a sinner or a saint, a rich or poor person, it is all within self to decide what a
person wants to become. This book is about wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the human family.”—-Alfred  Ali

Alfred ALI [ Mr. Alfred Ali ]

“The Two Faces Of Man” Is  a spiritual textbook on the teachings of Master Fard Muhammad and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad ( pbuh). Mr. Ali is the author of many books that deal with history  and theology using the teachings of Elijah Muhammad as a base.

Mr.  Ali is married and has two children. He is a graduate of Wayne State University with a bachelor and master’s degree in educational administration. He is a school teacher and a retired member of the Detroit Fire Department. He grew up as a Methodist ,  but after  hearing the Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) teachings , Mr. Ali  accepted Islam in 1970 and now dedicates his life to revealing religious myths and falsehoods.
To order his books go to

“THE TWO FACES OF MAN ”  is a true must read indeed !

[ Tune into  the STAR & CRESCENT REPORT , (which can be heard on BLOG TALK RADIO ),  on  11 / 13 / 2010  @ 11 AM Eastern time to hear a live interview with Mr. Alfred Ali concerning the above book. ]

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