‘Explore Koran Day’ Sept 11 NWO resistance

Submitted By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Well , it seems that there are a FEW  North Americans ( so-called white people ) that can see through the fog of smoke that the American media ( it religious and political leaders) propaganda to see the TRUTH. In the Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s ( PBUH)  book ” THE FALL OF AMERICA ” ,  the Messenger spoke of a few whites in America being Muslims BY FAITH  and He also spoke of the educated so-called Whites moving against their un-educated white brothers and sisters to defend the Truth ( Islam ). The following report is an example of  what the Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned would happen during THE FALL OF AMERICA :

911, 2010 plans include exposing NWO disinformation-based persecute Muslims campaign

Photo: Whittier Peace and Justice Center


Deborah Dupré

‘Explore Koran Day’ Sept 11 NWO resistance

  • September 4th, 2010 5:46 pm ET

Resisting NWO mind control for hating each other

Responding to New World Order mind control operatives’ orchestrated Islamophobia campaign for Americans to malign Islam and hate its followers that began with G.W. Bush and continues, human rights defenders are organizing for September 11, 2010 to be a day of world unity, focusing on Christians and Muslems.

The Social Justice Action Team of the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles has unanimously called on human rights, justice, and democracy defenders to stand up to disinformation that equates Muslims with terroristsby observing International Explore the Koran Day on September 11. The rights group called for interfaith action of reading the Koran and raising funds for suffering Pakistanis since the U.S. government has failed to respond to their survival needs.

Today, the Whittier Peace and Justice Center has called on American women to wear a hijab on September 11 in protest of the persecution, similar to actions Americans took during the 196’s Civil Rights era.

“If you are also horrified by the recent outrageous fear mongering of the right wing against American Muslims, then here is a way to push back,” stated Charell of Whittier Peace and Justice Center.

“I am not a Muslim but I plan to wear the hijab on 9/11 as a gesture to American Muslims that they are full citizens of this country and deserve the same rights as the rest of us. Concerned men might wear skull caps in solidarity with us women.”…………………………

[ Read more of this report @Human Rights Examiner ]

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