” The Sword Within And The Sword Without !”

By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

” According to radio and television, and according to individual conversation-and according to concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their people-and a way to find stoppage of THE FALL OF THEIR MONEY MARKET AND UNEMPLOYMENT-and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied-and to find a way to be able to eat-and to keep the hungry eating from his own labor-pacification is offered but it does not satisfy.”——–The Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) from His book   page 255.

The above quote from the VERY LAST Messenger Of ALLAH-The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh), was a warning to the people and the Government Of America! The Book, THE FALL OF AMERICA  was published in 1973, but the Messenger Elijah Muhammad had warned America of her fall for 44 years (1931-1975) . Many laughed at the Nation Of Islam and The Messenger Elijah Muhammad for teaching that ” the most powerful Nation on Earth would fall”, yet today, the so-called White race of America and others are saying what the Messenger Elijah Muhammad spoke of years ago. The American White Race is NOW saying and telling you themselves that their civilization has falling! Look :  

America hastened her own fall due to the actions of the past 10 years. Starting with the SELECTION of the 43rd President, Mr. George W. Bush, one of the most evil and wicked men who EVER sat in the White House. Mr. Bush’s war , which he called a ” Crusade” against Islam, based on a LIE, was the final death nail for America.As the Messenger stated in THE FALL OF AMERICA, ” NO PRESIDENT IN HIS RIGHT MIND WOULD NOT ATTACK A MUSLIM COUNTRY” , yet  America attack 2 Muslim countries , which proved Mr. Bush was / is not in his right mind ! ! !  Nor is Mr. Obama in his right mind, because he is continues what Mr. Bush started !  The Government of America under Mr. Bush, as well as today, is full of Christian Zionist Masons, known as neo-cons,from the halls of Congress , the Armed Forces, etc., which has caused the Darker Nations to unite themselves against America, for they know America’s actions has brought on the Judgement of ALLAH Himself !.

Tonight ( 08-31-2010) the President Barack Obama will be speaking, to tell the Americans that the war is over in Iraq, and that some of the troops are coming back home to America. Well, America will be leaving 50,000 troops in Iraq, some 150,000 private army troops, employed by companies like the former Black Water ( now called Xe ) will remain. Some 1,000,000 Arabs in Iraq were killed, over 80,000 Americans troops were either killed, killed themselves, or missing, and for what ? A LIE ? ! Trillions of dollars were spent in Iraq and other places to wage war on the Black Nation and Islam as a whole, which has left America broke. What will these troops find when they come back to America? Well the Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned in the Fall Of America that when these troops come back to America, it ( America ) will not be the America they left, that is IF they make it back to America. Those who make it back will see that all of that warfare was for nothing, which will cause more trouble for an already  dissatisfied population who will become  more dissatisfied. These un-employed  troops, many of  them suffer from mental illness due to war, will start a war within America, because there is nothing for them to do in the way of employment.  And with America’s true enemies(Russia & China) arming themselves for that FINAL BATTLE IN THE SKY, America is now faced with  A SWORD WITHIN AND A SWORD WITHOUT.

While America was busy fooling, killing, and mistreating the Black nation in America, her enemies were reading themselves to fight America. They see America is weak, her military is spread thin, she has lost her honor among her European brothers and sisters, she is morally and spiritually weakened, she has lost her friendship, and none can help her.

This is Justice, for America could have given herself more time, but she refused to do justice by her ex-slaves ( the Black nation), even after she was given away out, she continued to mistreat the Black Nation, and then went on to wage open war on ALLAH by attacking  HIM through HIS people ( the Black Nation) and HIS True religion Islam. The White race’s rulers know that Islam is true, but due their nature they refused to submit to ALLAH, and refused to give justice to the ALLAH’s people, the Black Nation. And for this , America will be and is being wiped away, the same as Rome, Babylon and the other wicked nations who dis-obeyed ALLAH and His Prophets and Messengers.

Today we are witnessing to complete fall of America. She will never raise again to cause trouble and bloodshed. After 230 years and 240 wars latter, America is done! The Black Nation of America had better make up their minds, because if you wait to see what is coming upon America from ALLAH, it will be to late.

Study ALLAH’s Last Messenger Elijah Muhammad, join on to your own, and accept your own . Your own is YOUR NAMES, GOD, AND RELIGION which is  ISLAM. ALLAH is going to take the white man from you, and we will have to unite and go for self and be ourselves.  NOTHING WILL BE LEFT OF AMERICA!!  So save yourself from the Fall Of America. Hurry, Hurry for the TIME IS AT HAND ! !


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