America’s Right-wing Hatred of Muslims:What Hypocrites They Are !!

By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

It’s election time in America, which is the time when America’s political whores come out in full force. The so-called right-wing ” Christians” are , by far, some of America’s biggest political whores ever seen !  The so-called ” Tea Party” and  so-called  Christians on AM Talk Radio shows , like this 21 st Century house Negro

the Rev. Jessie Lee Peterson, who makes his living putting down Black people as a whole and Muslims everyday on his radio show, are the true HATE TEACHERS in America today.  With self-hating Blacks like Jessie Lee Peterson ,  the Tea Party , and the regular political whores ( Democrats and Republicans), Muslim Bashing is this years mid-term elections target of choice . America’s political whores are picking on the Muslim world , Blacks {and non-white immigrants }who live in America , because they know that most Americans have little or know knowledge of what Islam is and what it is not, nor do most Americans know the historical ties Islam has with America. So, I will show (with the help of ALLAH)  how Islam has always been apart of America’s history, and  how hypocritical  America’s political leaders are when it comes to Islam in America.

Let’s start with this : The right-wing Political leaders want to stop the building of an Islamic Center in New York  City, because it is to be buildt   2  1/2  blocks from where the World Trade Center once stood. The Media is calling it a ”  Mosque ”  and the vote seeking political whores have all jumped on the ” hate the Muslims band-wagon ”  , by bring up the attacks of  ” 9 11 ” as the reason for stopping this community center from being buildt. The right-wing and others who are oppose to this Muslim Center being buildt say , ” it is to close to Ground Zero” , and  that it, ” is an insult to the 9 11″ families ” . Well, firstly,  Muslims DID NOT attack America on 9 11, and many people within the Government of America have came forward, and has said that ” 9 11 ” was an inside job, a pys-ops programme , that was used to start a war in the East. One such person is Mr. Ray McGovern, a former C.I.A. analysis. Point two is the fact that this Community Center is being buildt ,  not by Muslims , but by members of the Sufi Order. This  Muslim Community Center is in fact NOT  Muslim, but is  Sufi , and they have a ” Mosque” just down the street from the once World Trade Center already, which as stood for years. Many people don’t know that the Sufis  ARE NOT MUSLIMS, as pointed out in a book written by the great Sufi Leader Mr. Idries Shah , entitled  THE SUFIS , written in 1964. In the introduction of Mr. Idries Shah’s book, written by Mr. Robert Graves, Mr. Graves wrote that the , ” Sufis are an ancient SPIRITUAL FREEMASONRY  whose origins have never been traced or dated; nor do they themselves take much interest in such researches, being content to point out the occurrence of their own way of thought in different regions and periods. Thought COMMONLY MISTAKEN FOR A MOSLEM SECT, the Sufis are AT HOME IN ALL RELIGIONS: just as the ” FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS ” lay before them in their Lodge WHATEVER SACRED BOOK-whether Bible, Koran, or Torah-IS ACCEPTED BY THE TEMPORAL STATE.”   This is real HYPOCRITICAL on the part of America’s right-wing and other political Leaders who are engaged in Muslim bashing, because many of these same people are THEMSELVES Freemasons, Shriners  and Eastern Stars !  The Masons and Shriners , or as the Great Mahdi ( Master W. Fard Muhammad) and the Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) called them ”  MOSLEM-SONS ” , have a connection to the Sufis. Sir Richard Burton the English Freemason and Sufi ( also a spy sent to the East, during the British Empire of the  mid 1800’s ) stated, ” Sufi-ism ” , was, ” the Eastern PARENT  of Freemasonry.”  Mr. Idries Shah confirms Mr. Burton’s statement by saying, ” A Shriner MUST be a Mason. His ritual is avowdly based upon a myth and ritual connected with the Holy Temple in Mecca. What possible connection, it is sometimes asked, could there be between the Mecca Temple of the Moslems and the TEMPLE OF SOLOMON  and it’s building? There could be a VERY CLOSE CONNECTION INDEED. First let it be noted that charges against ancient Sufi included the TERRIBLE ALLEGATION THAT A MIME OF THE MECCA PILGRIMAGE CEREMONIES could be carried out ANYWHERE with equal validity to AN ACTUAL PILGRIMAGE.”

[ NOTE: the same rites of the above concerning the Sufis mock Pilgrimage IS ALSO PERFORMED by the Shriners] Mr. Shah goes on to say, ” Secondly, let us remember that the great Sufi teacher Maaruf  Karkhi  ( died 815 ) is known as SON OF DAVID, and also as ” KING ” , a common Sufi appellation. The SON OF DAVID, by association, was SOLOMON. Solomon it was who rebuilt the Temple. Why Son of David ? Because Karkhi was the disciple of the illustrious teacher Daud el Tai. Daud is Arabic for DAVID. This DAVID died in 781. Less than a century before, about 691, the Saracens [ Arabs] REBUILT THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON on the site which is NOW known as the DOME OF THE ROCK. This , AND NO EARLIER ONE , is the TEMPLE whose servants were the KNIGHTS TEMPLARS, accused of Saracenic leanings. IT IS NO ACCIDENT that after the dissolution of the ORDER OF THE TEMPLARS the FREEMASONS  TOOK ON TEMPLARS TRADITIONS.” ( page 187-188 of THE SUFIS }

Upon reading the above, one may ask, ” has some sort of split happened between the Eastern and Western Order of the Freemasons? ”   Since both Orders called themselves THE BUILDERS, or ” Al-Banna ” which is Arabic for Mason, it seems something is going on that we are only seeing small part of. These political leaders also show how  racist they are as well, because no one said a word when a Church was buildt  AFTER the Oklahoma City Bombings not far from this act of terror. The Oklahoma City Bombings was done by a WHITE CHRISTIAN TERRORIST  named Timothy McVeigh       who had ties to White Christian hate groups. Did you see a ban on Churches being buildt by White American Christians, who have a long history of acts of terrorism against Blacks and Muslims ?

Another show of  American political hypocrisy towards Muslims is the fact that there are some 10 to 15,000 Muslims in America’s Armed Forces ( something that Islamic law forbids, but thats another story) . This Muslim population within America’s Armed Forces, at a time when America is at war with Islam , and while these same Muslim hating political leaders are saying ” support our troops” speaks to America’s love / hate relationship with Islam. Which leads us to the following story from SOLON, concerning the fact that there is a Muslim Mosque INSIDE the PENTAGON :

“Muslims have been praying inside the Pentagon since Sept. 11 but right-wingers have been strangely silent


Why did no one object to the


Navy imam Chaplain Abuhena M. Saifulislam lifted his voice to God as he called to prayer more than 100 Department of Defense employees Monday at a celebration of Ramadan at the Pentagon.

God is most great, sang the lieutenant commander and Islamic leader, in Arabic, as iftar — the end of the daily fast began.

Uniformed military personnel, civilians and family members faced Mecca and knelt on adorned prayer rugs chanting their prayers in quiet invocation to Allah.

The “ground zero mosque” story seems to be dying down, but nothing lays bare the absurdity of what we’ve just lived through quite so much as this Washington Times story, quoted above, from 2007.

Yes, Muslims have infiltrated the Pentagon for their nefarious, prayerful purposes — daring to practice their religion inside the building where 184 people died on Sept. 11, 2001. They haven’t even had the sensitivity to move two blocks, let alone a mile, away from that sacred site.

The “desecration” began shockingly soon after the attacks. Cox reported in October 2001:

Army Chaplain Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad, the first Muslim chaplain to serve in the military, read a verse from the Koran at the memorial service at the Pentagon on Thursday, exactly one month after the attack. Muhammad, who became a chaplain eight years ago and works at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, ministered to rescuers in front of the smoldering Pentagon after the attack.

Any guesses as to why no one has ever heard about Muslims praying at the Pentagon — let alone cared? It’s almost as if the entire “ground zero mosque” controversy was whipped up out of nothing by a right-wing tabloid and politicians in search of a wedge issue …   “—————————————————————————————————————————————

Again, I say, WHAT HYPOCRITES these so-called ” freedom loving” , white American ” Christians are ! Again, most of these same Muslim-hating political Leaders are Freemasons and Shriners. There are some 3,000,000 ( Three Million) white Shriners in America. I do not hear any of these political leaders calling on the ” Moslem-Sons” to close down their Temples !(Picture of a White American Shriner or Moslem-Son)


(  The Late J. Edgar Hoover was a Shriner)

Now, these same so-called White racist and their lackeys ( sell-out Black Leaders) will not tell you that the Prophet Muhammad’s ( pbuh) image is on the SUPREME COURT BUILDING in Washington , D. C. along with Moses( PBUH)  and other ” LAW GIVERS” .  The Prophet Muhammad’s image can be seen ON THE NORTH WALL of the Supreme Court Building in Washington , D. C. !  You see, the Right-wing is a racist group of political whores, who are taking advantage of the fact that most Americans are un-educated when it come to history, even so-called American History. Just a few years ago, the first Black man was elected to Congress from Minnesota, truly history in the making, but he is also the FIRST MUSLIM to be elected to Congress as well. Mr. Keith Ellison was bashed by the right-wing, anti-Muslim so-called ” Christians” for being a Muslim an ” Un-American” , because these dumb Right-Wing Christians  wanted Mr. Ellison to take the Oath Of Office on the King James Bible, as they said ” this is a Christian Country”. Well, first, there is no law that states a person HAS  take their Oath Of Office on any Holy Book, and 2nd America has NEVER been a ” Christian Nation”, as these dumb Right-Wingers and their even dumber followers believe, something I will get to later. When the time came for Mr. Ellison to take his Oath Of Office he shut the mouths of the Christian Right when he TOOK HIS OATH OF OFFICE ON THE HOLY QUR’AN, A COPY OF THE HOLY QUR’AN THAT WAS OWNED BY THE 3 RD PRESIDENT OF AMERICA , AND WRITER OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION, MR. THOMAS JEFFERSON !!(Mr. Ellison taking his Oath Of Office using a copy of the Holy Qur’an that was owned by Thomas Jefferson)

Again, HYPOCRISY on a grand scale !! The claim by these so-called White Christians that America is a Christian Nation is a BIG LIE. America’s ” FOUNDING FATHERS” were not “Christians”, if they were they would not have had SLAVERY ! America is, and was founded upon the MASONIC RELIGION, America IS a FREEMASONIC  CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. Here is the writer of the American Constitution , Mr. Thomas Jefferson, concerning Christianity: “Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone upon man” , and this quote from Mr. Jefferson, “History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government.”  He, Thomas Jefferson stated that he found NO redeeming qualities in Orthodox Christianity! Here is another “Founding Father” view of the Christian religion: “Lighthouses are more useful than churches” -“—Benjamin Franklin. Mr Franklin was a Freemason and a member of the Satanic ” HELL-FIRE CLUB “.  Then there is the quote of one Mr. John Adams , who makes it clear that America is not a Christian Nation, when he said, ” The United States Government IS NOT  IN ANY SENSE FOUNDED ON THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. This was President John Adam writing of the TREATY OF TRIPOLI in 1797 , here Mr. Adams was letting Muslim Tripoli, Libya know that America was not Christian, but Masonic. There  was also a Treaty Of Morocco ( as  Muslim Morocco was the FIRST COUNTRY to recognize America as an independent Nation) to also free ANY Blacks ( Moors) from slavery, but the American Government had removed the title of “Moor”  from the Black Slaves and had classified us, Black nation as ” Negros” , under The Negro Act of 1787. Yet another White American Devil trick using of words  to get around this treaty !!

What we as Muslims who follow the Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) find shameful are the number of Black Leaders who fail to address these facts. America used 310 years of FREE LABOR, slavery, to become the most powerful and rich nation on the Earth. And 80 % of the Afrikans  Slaves were MUSLIMS. So really MUSLIMS buildt America for free, and now the Black Nation and the Muslim World, which includes ALL BLACK PEOPLE are still being hated by those who would not be where they are to today were in not for Islam. From the Caves of Europe, it was Islam that brought the White Race civilization by way of the Prophet Musa (Ozar Sef ), it was Islam by way of the Black Muslim ( THE MOORS) that brought the White Race out of THEIR ” Dark Ages “(570-1555) . Now it will be Islam, a New Islam ,  that ALLAH and the Black Nation will use to rebuild a New and Better world AFTER the removal of these war-making, white racist Devils of America, Europe, Israel, and Australia , and their HYPOCRISY towards ALLAH, HIS RELIGION AND HIS PEOPLE.

WAKE UP! And stop believing the lies of these lying political whores and their  dumb followers. Islam will win in the end, because the TRUTH AS NO OPPONENT.

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