(Repost from 6/30/2010): “S.O.S. (… _ _ _ …) Save Our Souls”

S.O.S. (…  _ _ _ …) Save Our Souls

By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Salaam—–In The Name Of ALLAH, Who Came To Us(the Lost & Found Black Nation/The Tribe Of Shabazz) In The Person Of The Great Mahdi; MASTER W. FARD MUHAMMAD, The All Wise True And Living Supreme Being, To Whom All Praise Is Due Forever. And We Thank  ALLAH For Raising Up The Last And Greatest Messenger Of ALLAH; The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) Amen.


The TIME is now upon America. TIME ? What TIME? The time is the long awaited JUDGMENT AND REMOVAL  of America as a power and as a nation. The TIME means Judgment!! America acted bold and picked a fight with ALLAH and the  Black and Muslim Worlds (based on a lie by Mr George W. Bush), and continued to mistreat the Black Nation and other people of color in America at the same time. This we all have seen during the first ten years of the 21st Century! America’s actions of evil, murder, war making, and robbery has all come to a head. She, America has lost all of her friends and she is flat broke, and none will help her. She once bragged about being a ” Super Power” just a few years ago, now all of the nations hate her because they have seen her true face. She was warned that this day was to come by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his Book, THE FALL OF AMERICA. Not only did the Messenger Elijah Muhammad warn America,


but this warning was also for the people that ALLAH wanted to save from America’s doom. The warning from The Last Messenger of ALLAH was for the Black man to unite and join on to their own kind, so they would not be destroyed along with their 400 year enemies , the once slave master’s children and grand children. Now look at the once great America. Her own scientist are saying what the Messenger warned of, which is, the COMPLETE FALL AND DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA IS NOW HERE!  Just as the Messenger Elijah Muhammad said it would be, that the white man would not tell the ex-slaves the time of his doom, because the black ex-slaves would get proud and try to get back at the white man for mistreating them. He, the white man, would not say a word in order to fool his people and the ex-slave, making them both  believe “every thing is alright”, until we all  saw it coming with our own eyes.


We here at the Hiram’s 1555 Blog have been doing our best to awaken our Black people here in America and elsewhere , using the Messenger Elijah Muhammad’steachings, for we know the TIME, and the Theology of the TIME. So, today,  this writer is sending out an S.O.S.  ( …  _  _  _  …) to OUR People across the world , as we( the Black Nation) are being held as prey by our open enemy, the White rulers of America.

Why send a S.O.S. since we are not at sea? This is true, we are not at sea, but since this country has been ruled under  ADMIRALTY LAW or MARITIME LAW  for many years now, as noted by America’s Courts having the Maritime Flags in them,  the use of the S.O.S. is sound, since this country is under INTERNATIONAL LAW and not the US CONSTITUTIONAL  LAWS.  Due-to-facts, the US Constitution never really applied to the Black Nation any way. So this writer is making an appeal to the world, but above all to the LORD OF THE WORLDS, to save our souls.

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We never did get justice under the American Flag, now America has placed HERSELF under the above. So I am asking the very angels of ALLAH to come and save our people from the doom that is coming upon the evil and wicked nation.  We, today find ourselves in a Modern Sodom and Gomorrah.   Just like those days when the Prophet Abraham (P.B.U.H.) asked the LORD EL-SHADDAI, concerning the fate of those that lived in Sodom, as it is written in Genesis 18: 22 – 32. Here the Prophet Abraham was begging  the LORD not to destroy the evil cities if the Angels found 50 believers, from there the Prophet Abraham went on , and on, down to 10 believers, but as the story goes they only found Lot and his 2 daughter as the only believers in the LORD. We are not asking ALLAH to save America, she was meant to be removed since her very beginnings, we  the Muslims who follow the teachings of the Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) are asking ALLAH to have mercy upon us and keep us safe and save our souls from the coming destruction of America.

The Muslims who follow the Messenger Elijah Muhammad have been under attack from not only the American Government, but our own Black people, some of the most under-handed attacks came from the very Black Leaders that once followed the Messenger Elijah Muhammad. The other attacks came from the age old ” uncle toms” who have always worked with the white devils, so that they and their families could enjoy the ” American Dream” on the backs of their own poor black brothers and sisters. These Blacks are called the ” Boule”. The Black political leaders have failed to use their political acumen to be of benefit to their black people. Only a very few Political leaders ever used their knowledge of state craft for that purpose, and they did not last long. The rest are a bunch of traders and lap dogs of the white man, who will do the bidding of their  neo-slave masters called ” LOBBYIST”, for they are the ones who own them, and the Black so-called political leaders are beholden to these lobbyist and not  the very Black people that voted them in office in the first place!!!


( This Uncle Tom is on FOX NEWS all the time, when the whites want to beat up on blacks, Uncle Elder is rolled out to do it for them)

(Uncle Juan Williams)

( Auntie Angela, is also used by ” Mr. Cholly ”  when he wants to bash Black Women)


( The Self Hating Rev. Jessie Peterson , who actually thanked God for Black Slavery)


( Uncle Jessie crying during the “Negro Revolution”, when Mr. Obama ” won” the Office of American President  4, Nov. 2008)


( And these two happy ” Negros” , nothing else needs to be said.)

(  Sell-Out ” Muslim” Leader Min. L. Farrakhan, who now promotes New Age Scientology)

And, our people continue to suffer at the hands of the evil and racist whites at the local level , all the way up to the halls of the Congress, Senate , and the Supreme Court, even with the so-called “First Black President” in office!!! Still no  Justice for the Black Man nor his Brothers/Sisters the so-called American Indians.

So we ask ALLAH, who is here today in Person, to Save and have mercy upon us, forgive us our sins and short comings, and deliver us from the evil of this wicked race of devils. As it is written,  ALLAH, the Lord GOD stated to the Prophet Abraham, ” Know well that your offspring shall be strangers in a land not theirs, and they shall be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years; but I will pass judgment on the nation they shall serve, and in the end they shall go free with great wealth.” ( Gen. 15: 13 )





We know ALLAH that your word is bond, we also know today that this verse was speaking about the Black Nation in America. No Jews,  not the” Semite” (Arab) nor those from Eastern Europe(Khazars) was ever enslaved for 400 years in a land not their own. It is the Black Nation who is spoken of here, and the white Christians, Jews, and Masons also know, their own people have NOW come forward and has admitted that the above verse is not speaking of them. History bearswitness to the fact that the Black Nation are the real offspring of Abraham. The Holy Qur’an speaks the same , if you understand. So we ask ALLAH to defend us from this evil and wicked people, for they are planning to kill all of thy followers. They make their plans, but we know today that ALLAH is the best of planners.

War is upon the earth, and the war makers must be removed! They, the white race and their followers are now planning WORLD WAR 3, to kill off the Black man and other non-whites, and to kill as many Muslims they can. The real reason for this war is not so much for control of the earth, but to rid the earth of as many Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow people they can, for they know their TIME has come and they want to take as many to death with them as they can. This up coming War in the East with Iran will bring every nation of the western world to their knees, but America and England will be the first to go, because it was these two white nations who have done the most to harm and caused the most destruction to the Black Nation. So they will go first! And, knowing this ,they will come upon the Black people and others with all they have, so we ask you ALLAH to protect us, for none can protect us from our enemies but you ALLAH. The Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned that the war will come to Europe and make the war in Viet Nam ” look like child’s play.”

The Messenger Elijah Muhammad further warned the white race in THE FALL OF AMERICA,  ”  A ruthless and brutal people like America, England, and Germany SHOULD BE ASHAMED, in this modern time to look these people, who they have robbed, killed, murdered and brought under subjugation by force, to think that today they should be so soundly asleep that they ignore the TIME and the authority that they can unite, as the European has been doing against Black Africa and brown and yellow Asia. As the Book says to the white race: ‘ As Thou hast done, so shall it be done unto thee’. ” (Fall Of America page 186)

Repay them oh ALLAH, and protect us from them has they move against the Black Nation in America. Camps are buildt to house those who disagree with America.



The same as the one used by the Germans under the rule of the Nazis under Hitler. The same group of Masonic political families who helped Hitler are the same ones who are behind the Government of America today.But, the Messenger stated that these camps are not for His followers.  ALLAH will take them and push them off the earth, to save His people. ALLAH is here, and He said  that He would save His people and remove this devil “AT ANY PRICE” So we pray  to you ALLAH in the Name of thy Last Messenger; the Honorable Elijah Muhammad(pbuh), that You protect us, and guide us so that we will see and be with you in the HereAfter.  Bless us the followers of Elijah Muhammad, as thou Bless Abraham and the true followers of Abraham for surely Thou art praised and magnified among us,  we confess our faults and ask that you guide us to the best of morals and forgive us our faults, for Only You ALLAH has the power and the Authority to do so. Amen


Read in the Name of thy Lord



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