Message to the Blackman

Chapter 35

Birth Control Death Plan!

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1 To the Lost-Found members of the tribe of Shabazz (the so-called Negroes), I warn you my people and especially the women. Be aware of the tricks the devils are using to instill the idea of a false birth control in their clinics and hospitals.


3 The example of the clinic in Fauquier County, Virginia, where poor and helpless black mothers are pressured into accepting sterilization is certainly not confined to that clinic alone.

4 It would be better to do as many African and Asian husbands and wives have done, to take care of these matters yourselves rather than rely on such treachery and deceitful counsel.

5 I say beware of being trapped into the kind of disgraceful birth control laws now aimed almost exclusively at poor, helpless black peoples who have no one to rely on.

6 Who wants a sterile woman?

7 No man wants a non-productive woman. Though he may not want children for a time, he does want a woman who cannot produce a child if he changes his mind. Using birth control for a social purpose is a sin.

8 Using the birth control law against production of human beings is a sin that Allah (God) is against and for which he will punish the guilty on the day of Judgement. Both the Bible and Holy Qur’ans teachings are against birth control.

9 So you and I, too, should be against it.

10 The white race is a race that was produced by using birth control law, says God to me.

11 Do not accept this death plan of the devils to destroy, and keep from being a people.

12 There is no people on earth (even the little savage Pygmie of Africa and the Malayan Islands of the Pacific love their own) who will let anyone change or destroy their identity and culture without a fight. The American black women are ignorant of the real motive behind the so-called birth control schemes proposed and demanded by white officials.

13 The motive behind these schemes is not designed to promote the welfare of black families, but to eliminate these families in the future.

14 Our enemies, the devils, know and now seek to prevent us from being a nation through our women, as Pharaoh attempted to destroy Israel by killing off the male babies of Israel at birth.

15 The thousand years before Moses, Yakub killed off the black babies at birth to produce this present white race.

16 Pharaoh was envious of Israel’s future of becoming a great nation, beloved of Allah, which would overcome Egypt and her future as a world power.

17 The same goes for the so-called Negroes and the slave-masters’ children. The slave-masters envy their once-slaves’ future and want to destroy it.

18 So the best thing to do is to tell you the truth whether you care for it or not. I will feel, then, that I have done my duty as a member of the same Nation as you.

19 My love for you and your future is the same as that for myself. The life of this world and its sport and play is only temporary. “—–AND—–“

Message to the Blackman



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1 The American so-called Negroes are gravely deceived by the slave-masters’ teaching God and the true religion of God. They do not know they are deceived and earnestly believe they are right regardless of how vile the white race may be.

2 My poor people are mentally blind, deaf and dumb and full of fear. Blind because they do not see the light of truth after being shown it for over thirty years. Deaf because they will not hear the truth, Islam that has come to them from Allah through the Messenger (myself).

3 They are dumb because they will not see or open their ears and hearts after the light has shown clear for many years. You are full of the fear that was instilled in you when you were babies, so Allah told. This fear was put in you by the white slave-masters through tortures, lynchings, burnings, rapings and killings and has caused you to be blind, deaf and dumb.

4 This fear of the white slave-master has caused you to love them in a crazy kind of way. You, my dear people, are like a woman desperately in love with a man who does not love her. Therefore, this love is blind. This man can beat, torture, ravage, humiliate, shame and mock, but she will yet love him. And even when someone tries to tell her that this man is no good for her and certainly does not love her, she will yet love him, and will become angered and defend such a man. This is a very sad thing, but a very true picture of the so-called Negroes. They love their tormentors.

5 Beware, they do not love you, they are like dogs with a bone. They do not want you to be taken by Allah’s messenger to your salvation. They want to carry you with them to their doom. The wicked white devils are by no means asleep to the knowledge of the time. They are really on the job trying to keep all of those who are blind, deaf and dumb to what is going on in this day and time mentally dead. They watch every step of the righteous Muslims, seeking to do them harm in their endeavor to spread the truth (Islam).

6 The people of Allah (so-called Negroes) are dumb to the time as the people were in the days when Moses was sent to Pharaoh to bring his people out of bondage into a land wherein they could enjoy independence. Instead of the Israelites being joyful to hear that Allah was ready to deliver them from Pharaoh and give them land of their own, they set ours to contend with Moses and to help Pharaoh and God (Jehovah).

7 The government of Pharaoh had no love for Israel, just as America has no love for the so-called Negroes, Pharaoh became afraid of the truth that Moses was teaching his people in the midst of his country.

8 So Pharaoh began to plan the death of Moses and the future of Israel by killing off the babies. Pharaoh wanted Moses put to death because he was teaching his people the truth of Pharaoh and his government of wickedness. Today, America is afraid of the power our great number presents. She fears that if we ever unite we would, overnight become, dependent.

9 America desires to keep us a subjected people. So she, therefore, wants to stop our birth (as Pharaoh did). The Birth Control Law or Act of today is directed directly at the so-called Negroes and not at the American whites. The story of Moses and the Pharaoh is a warning to you today. They are seeking to destroy our race by the birth control law, just as Pharaoh sought to stop Moses’ race by killing off all the male babies at birth. They are seeking to destroy our race through our women. DO NOT LET THEM TRICK YOU.

10 Follow me and we will, with the help of Allah, stop this most wicked sin against our people.”

“Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data

// // By Karen Schuberg

Flashback: Ultrasound images ‘of a 23-week-old foetus smiling and grimacing, have made people change their views’Abortion kills more black Americans than the seven leading causes of death combined, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2005, the latest year for which the abortion numbers are available.

Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race in 2005, according to the CDC. During that same year, according to the CDC, a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined. These were the seven leading causes of death for black Americans that year.

A total of 49 jurisdictions reported their abortion numbers for 2005 to the CDC. These included all 50 states–except California, Louisiana, and New Hampshire–and New York City and the District of Columbia. Of these 49 jurisdiction, only 36 states plus New York City and the District of Columbia reported the number of abortions by race.

Of these 36 states, Georgia reported the largest number of abortions–18,325–among African Americans. Idaho and Montana reported the fewest, 16 and 17 respectively.

Among the large states not reporting abortions by race–and thus where the number of blacks killed by abortions is not included in the national total of 203,991–are California, Florida, Illinois and the rest of New York state outside of New York City.

According to the CDC, the total of 203,991 blacks killed by abortion in 2005 also does not include those aborted by “private physicians’ procedures.”

Every year since 1969, the CDC has amassed abortion data by state or area of occurrence, requesting information each year from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and New York City. The CDC attempts to collect data on abortions by the age, race and marital status of the women who undergo them as well as the type of abortion procedure.

However, the “CDC is not a regulatory agency,” Senior Press Officer Karen Hunter told CNSNews.com. “So while we are required by Congress to collect this information, states are not required to provide any data to the CDC, including abortion surveillance.”

In 2005, a total of 820,151 legal abortions were performed in the 49 jurisdication that reported abortions to the CDC, according to the “Abortion Surveillance” report, which is published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, or MMWR, for Nov. 28, 2008. (Scroll up to top of report)

The report states, “Approximately 1 in 5 U.S. pregnancies have ended in abortion,” and also notes some limitations on the data: “The overall number, ratio, and rate of abortions are conservative estimates; the total numbers of legal induced abortions provided by central health agencies and reported to the CDC for 2005 were probably lower than the numbers actually performed.”

In Table 9 of the report, it states that there were 203,991 blacks killed by abortion, which comprises 35.5 percent of all abortions reported for that year.

Rev. Clenard H. Childress, Jr., founder of BlackGenocide.org, told CNSNews.com that according to numbers gleaned from statistics provided by the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion group, 1,784 blacks are aborted each day. Also, he notes on his Web site that three out of five African-American women will obtain an abortion.

Childress said the information and sources on his Web site have never been challenged by abortion-access supporters. “This is because they can see that themselves, and they know them probably to be far worse than we’re reporting. The facts come from the pro-abort/pro-choice community,” he said.

“You want to go to a reliable source where people can’t dismiss what you’re saying,” Childress said.

“Yet the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Urban League, and the National Action Committee of Al Sharpton fail abysmally to report not only the decimation but the health ramifications which are questionably very pertinent and provable,” said Childress.

“It would be one thing if we were talking about something hypothetically, but these are actual empirical proofs. … We simply want the health issues of abortion to be discussed,” Childress added.

Susan Cohen, director of government affairs at the Guttmacher Institute, said that black women are not inordinately targeted.

It is the high number of unintended pregnancies among black women that explains the disproportionate number of black abortions, she stated in a policy analysis, “Abortion and Women of Color: The Bigger Picture (2008),” which was provided to CNSNews.com by Guttmacher Institute spokeswoman Rebecca Wind.

While acknowledging that the abortion rate for blacks in the United States is “almost 5 times that for white women,” Cohen concluded in her analysis, “these higher unintended pregnancy rates (among African American women) reflect the particular difficulties that many women in minority communities face in accessing high-quality contraceptive services and in using their chosen method of birth control consistently and effectively over long periods of time.”

“Because black women experience so many more unintended pregnancies than any other group—sharply disproportionate to their numbers in the general population—they are more likely to seek out and obtain abortion services than any other group,” said Cohen.

When asked to comment on this report, Dr. Freda Bush, a pro-life obstetrician and gynecologist in private practice in Jackson, Miss., told CNSNews.com that she found the explanation for the high rate of black abortions “disingenuous.”

“I would just like for them to explain why there’s such a significant proportion of their (Planned Parenthood) clinics that are located in minority communities,” said Bush, who is black. “So if you’ll notice, I did not mention that as a factor when I talked to you [earlier], so I was not accusing them of anything.

“I was just pointing out the fact that we have more, but since they brought it up, I would like for them to explain where their clinics are located, and why their clinics are located in that area,” she added.

“I would also like for an explanation of why their founder, Margaret Sanger, who was a known eugenist, also had a Negro project, and an explanation if that was not directed at the ‘undesirables,’” said Bush. “So, I’m not accusing them of anything. I would just like an explanation for the practices that they have continued.”

Dr. Alveda King, niece of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is a pro-life activist. In August 2007 she told a meeting of Priests for Life that abortionists “plant their killing centers in minority neighborhoods and prey upon women who think they have no hope.”

“The great irony,” she said, “is that abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of.”

Queries to Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America were not returned.”

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