I GARUANTEE THIS HISTORY LESSON IS ONE YOU WON’T SOON FORGET.” Author Topic: Brotherhood of the Crusaders (Read 161 times)

Forum God

May the Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you!

Posts: 732
Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« on: Sep 20th, 2008, 9:46am » Quote Modify Remove

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful Master Fard Muhammad the Lord of all the Worlds to Whom Praise is due forever and His last Messenger the Honorable Elijah Muhammad may Allah be pleased with him.

Our Saviour Has Arrived
3 There is one thing I hope to make clear to my people and that is: the Christian religion, as taught and misunderstood by them, is not what they have thought it was. Jesus’ history refers more to a future Jesus than the past. There is a prophecy of a Son being prepared to redeem man (the so-called Negroes). This Jesus made His appearance July 4, 1930 and His work is now in effect.

As-Salaam Alaikum

Brotherhood of the Crusaders

Pope Urban II
Elected Pope: March 12, 1088
Speech at Council of Clermont: Nov. 27, 1095
Died: July 29, 1099

Pope Urban II, address laid a foundation for the racist ideology of European and christian supremacy that would later serve colonizers of Africa and the Americas. He characterized Asians and Africans as devilish peoples who deserved to be attacked on religious grounds.

“Oh, what a disgrace if a race so despised, so entirely the slave of demons, should thus conquer omnipotent God’s elect people, rendered illustrious by the name of Christ!”

In his call to war, Urban held out the promise that all crusaders’ debts would be suspended (or cancelled, if owed to Jews) and that the Church would take care of lords’ estates while they were away fighting. The pope invited robbers to turn soldier, plundering abroad instead of in their own lands.

He urged “those who have formerly been mercenaries at low wages” to reap eternal rewards by fighting in Palestine, and promised that the sins of crusading soldiers would be wiped out “by the power of God vested in me.” His strongest enticement was the promise of plunder and rapine: a new territory was being presented to be carved up, to the glory of god.

[Graphic: Urban II and Peter the Hermit preaching the First Crusade]

Urban went on to admonish those assembled for heinous sins against their brother Christians. He spoke of how Christian knights battled other Christian knights, wounding, maiming and killing each other and thus imperiling their immortal souls. If they were to continue to call themselves knights, they should stop killing each other and rush to the Holy Land.

“You should shudder, brethren, you should shudder at raising a violent hand against Christians; it is less wicked to brandish your sword against Saracens.”

(from Robert the Monk’s account of Urban’s speech)

Urban promised complete remission of sins for anyone killed in the Holy Land or even anyone who died on the way to the Holy Land in this righteous crusade.

One might argue that those who have studied the teachings of Jesus Christ would be shocked at the suggestion of killing anyone in Christ’s name. But it is important to remember that the only people who were generally able to study scripture were priests and members of cloistered religious orders.

Let us give praise for the coming of our God Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad.

Forum God

May the Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you!

Posts: 732
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #1 on: Sep 20th, 2008, 9:47am » Quote Modify Remove

…Few knights and fewer peasants could read at all, and those who could rarely if ever had access to a copy of the gospel. A man’s priest was his connection to God; the Pope was sure to know God’s wishes better than anyone. Who were they to argue with such an important man of religion?

Chroniclers wrote that the mostly aristocratic audience at Clermont responded to the pope’s address by leaping up and shouting, “God wills it!” The big Norman barons were especially eager for the military adventure.

Stirred by the prospect of war against dark unbelievers, they inaugurated their crusade in Europe with devastating pogroms against the Jews. The knights of Rouen said that if they did not kill the Jews before the Muslims, it would be “to start the whole affair backward.” Richard of Poitiers wrote that the crusaders “exterminated with many massacres the Jews of almost all Gaul.” [Poliakov I, 41-2]

French and German lords led the crusaders in systematically killing Jews as they moved up the Rhine, looting and firing their homes in Worms, Mainz, Cologne and many smaller towns. At Worms they dug up a body and paraded it through town, accusing the Jews of killing the person, boiling the body, then throwing the mixture into wells-possibly the earliest instance of the deadly ritual murder charge. [Trachtenberg, 148]

Along the road to Palestine, through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary and the Balkans, the crusader mob burned Jews alive in their houses and temples, forced them to baptism at swordpoint, raped and committed other atrocities against young and old.

In Prague alone they murdered several thousands Jews. [Poliakov I, 42-45] They did their blood work to a fearsome cry: Hep! Hep! This shout has a clerical origin, abbreviating the Latin phrase: Hierosalyma est perdita, “Jerusalem is lost.” It survived as a pogrom chant into the 20th century.

There was no sanctuary for the people that the Church had branded christ-killers. Even sympathetic bishops were unable to protect the Jews from the roving armies. In the aftermath, the Church insisted that the countless forced baptisms were valid. Only the victims who protested at the exact moment of baptism would be recognized as Jews, but of course all of them had been killed on the spot. [Poliakov I, 47, fn6]

The atrocities were repeated on a larger scale when Jerusalem fell to the christian armies. The crusaders slaughtered the city’s inhabitants: Muslims, Jews and Christians, men, women and children. The Franks’ own chroniclers admitted to killing 10,000, the mounted knights splattered in blood up to their hips.

One wrote, “We slaughtered without regard for age or sex.” [Gontard, 250] Muslim sources wrote that the crusaders killed 100,000 people. Their violence shocked the Muslims, who had peaceably allowed Christian pilgrims to visit Palestine for several centuries.

We have mingled our blood and our tears

None of us remains who has strength enough to beat off these oppressors;

Oh, that so much blood has to flow, that so many women were left with nothing save their bare hands to protect their modesty!

Amid the fearful clashing of swords and lances, the faces of the children grow white with horror.
–Palestinian poet and eyewitness Mosaffer Allah Werdis

The great Norman warlords were quick to carve out new domains in the Holy Land, declaring themselves Count of Edessa, King of Jerusalem, Prince of Antioch. Their lesser followers enriched themselves by seizing what loot they could. The trading houses of Genoa, Pisa and Venice became rich, and Europe’s early banking fortunes were built, on the foundation of riches stolen from Jerusalem and Sidon.

More bigotry is evident in the forged “Appeal from the Eastern Emperor” which attempted to drum up support for the crusaders. The targets this time were Muslims, who were accused of raping males of all ages, including monks and bishops.

The writers made anti-Semitic claims that christian boys were being circumcized over baptismal fonts. Many European writers spread these accusations and enlarged on them. A century later Jacques de Vitry was claiming that Muhammad had popularized gay sex among Arabs and comparing them to animals “buried in the filth of obscene desire.” [Boswell, 281]

Eastern Orthodox Serbs to accept the Roman faith

Catholic Church Conspiracy

The Ustaše persecuted the Serbs who were mostly Orthodox Christians yet they were more tolerant toward the Bosnian Muslims because Muslims had a weak nation identity and could be more easily convinced that they were Croats.

These Muslim Bosnians joined in the Nazi and Ustaše forces as part of Waffen-SS divisions 13th SS Mountain Division Handschar in Bosnia (led by Amin al-Husayni) and 23rd SS Grenadier Division Kama advised by Edmund Glaise von Horstenau (the representative of the German military in Croatia) and led by Colonel Ivan Markulj, who was later replaced by Colonel Viktor Pavicic. Lt-Col.

Let us give praise for the coming of our God Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad.

Forum God

May the Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you!

Posts: 732
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #2 on: Sep 20th, 2008, 9:48am » Quote Modify Remove

…Marko Mesic commanded the artillery section. The state even converted a former museum in Zagreb for use as a mosque. The Ustaše were against industrialization and democracy. The basic principles of the movement were laid out by Pavelic in his 1929 pamphlet “Principles of the Ustaše Movement”.

They also called Bosnian Muslims “Croats of the Islamic faith,” but they had a stronger ethnic dislike of Serbs.

The Ustaše regime had sent large amounts of gold that it had plundered from Serbian and Jewish property owners during WW II into Swiss banks.

Of a total of 350 million Swiss Francs, about 150 million was seized by British troops; however, the remaining 200 million (ca. 47 million dollars) reached the Vatican.

Allegations exist that it’s still being kept in the Vatican Bank. This was reported by the American intelligence agency SSU in October 1946. This issue is the theme of a recent class action suit against the Vatican Bank and others.

For the duration of the war (II), the Vatican kept up full diplomatic relations with the Ustaša state (granting Pavelic an audience), with its papal nuncio in the capital Zagreb. The nuncio was briefed on the efforts of religious conversions to Roman Catholicism.

After the Second World War was over, the Ustaše who had managed to escape from Yugoslav territory (including Pavelic) were smuggled to South America. It is widely alleged that this was done through rat lines operated by members of the organization who were Catholic priests and had previously secured positions at the Vatican. Members of the Illyrian College of San Girolamo in Rome were reputedly involved.

However, Archbishop Stepinac also said this on 28 March 1941, in note of Yugoslavia’s early attempts to unite Croatians and Serbs: “All in all, Croats and Serbs are of two worlds, northpole and southpole, never will they be able to get together unless by a miracle of God. The schism (Eastern Orthodoxy) is the greatest curse in Europe, almost greater than Protestantism. Here there is no moral, no principles, no truth, no justice, no honesty.”

The active participation on part of the Catholic clergy in the betrayal of Yugoslavia could have been possible only on the basis of instructions from highest church authorities.

On April 11, 1941, the day after the traitor Kvaternik and the Germany Army had entered the Croatian capital, the Zagreb radio station instructed the people to welcome the German Army and “to seek answers to all questions from the Catholic parish offices, where instructions will be given about the future work.” Thus from the first day of Nazi occupation the Catholic parishes were used as political propaganda agencies for the invaders and their Ustashi quislings.

In 1998 , Stepinac was beatified by Pope John Paul II. On 22 June 2003, John Paul II visited Banja Luka. During the visit he held a mass at the aforementioned Petricevac monastery. This caused public uproar due to the connection of the Petricevac monastery with the crimes of former friar Filipovic.

At the same location the pope also proclaimed the beatification of the Catholic layman Ivan Merz -1896-1928 who was the founder of the “Association of Croatian Eagles” in 1923, which many Serb nationalists and communists view as the precursor to the Ustaše.

The Case of Archbishop Stepinac;
To see this document accompanied with photo documentation go to:

As-Salaam Alaikum
Let us give praise for the coming of our God Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad.

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Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #3 on: Sep 24th, 2008, 11:53am » Quote Modify Remove

“You should shudder, brethren, you should shudder at raising a violent hand against Christians; it is less wicked to brandish your sword against Saracens.”


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Posts: 1887
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #4 on: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:00pm » Quote Modify Remove

Salaam–Now check this out!— British Subversion of the United States:
Who is wagging your neighbor’s tongue?
The militias and Pentecostalism
by Anton Chaitkin

“The greatest threat from terrorism in the United States comes from people who are associated with a British Church of England-run Pentecostalist movement inside the United States. It is this apparatus which has structured the militias. Now, most people in the militia movement, or associated with it, have no part of the intentions of those who are behind it, particularly that section in the Episcopal Church, or Pat Robertson, who’s part of this same movement, who are barking–authentically barking–Pentecostalists, who, with their connections with the military, deeply embedded in the military, including the … corps of chaplains in the U.S. military, are largely controlled, presently, by outright barking Pentecostalists…. This is the … main source of the internal threat of the potential for terrorism, and other kinds of treason inside the United States, today.”

–Lyndon LaRouche, “EIR Talks,” July 30, 1997.

Two years after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal building, a stream of lies is pouring through British-run media sewers, preparing credulous populists to view terrorism, or even civil war, as inevitable.

The grotesque joke is on the American populists. Their paramilitary militias, and Pentecostal sects, are creations of the very “Godless internationalists” they believe they are resisting. The British Empire high church apparatus seeks to reduce the American mind to that of a clown, a hypnotized “Christian” who babbles or barks like a dog; a “patriot” numbed by anti-government gossip and Armageddonism, so that he sees his own nation as his enemy
Will these Americans provide cover, and become patsies, for criminal outrages by professional terrorists? In hopes that, instead, they will get out of the game, and turn their righteous anger against their manipulators, we offer this report on how the game is rigged.

This investigation began with a probe into the armed standoff between police and “Republic of Texas” members demanding the secession of Texas, in April 1997. This writer telephoned into the besieged compound and interviewed Richard Otto, alias “White Eagle,” who said he was asking members of militias around the country to come to the site, armed for a shootout

« Last Edit: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:00pm by Ahmed_El-Shabazz »

“Without the knowledge of the history of our people before the making of the white race, you will never be able to really understand who God is.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh)

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Posts: 1887
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #5 on: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:02pm » Quote Modify Remove

I checked Otto’s background, and then shared my findings informally with militia members and others who might have been drawn into the provocation. Otto, it turns out, had been trained and set into motion by an Air Force officer who toured the world practicing New Age pagan rituals, in consultation with senior British intelligence drug-rock-sex gurus such as Gregory Bateson. This unappetizing profile, subsequently spread around by wary militants themselves, helped to discredit and defeat the provocation.

While Otto and his band surrendered on May 3, reports flooded into this news service of continuing, outrageous provocations. Among these was the bizarre case of an anti-government Texas demagogue with important military connections, one Jim Ammerman, whose incitements have been widely circulating among separatists and militia members.

A Pentecostal clergyman and retired Army colonel, Ammerman now controls chaplains currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces around the world, as well as within prisons, and even in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He claims supernatural prophetic powers, preaches the imminent end of the world, denounces the U.S. government as illegal, and says the President has deserved execution. During the April siege, Ammerman “mediated” between the Texas separatists and the FBI.

As EIR inquired further into the origins of the Ammerman operation, and how it is protected within the U.S. military, a much broader picture came into view. Described here are:

Colonel Ammerman’s agent methods;
Britain’s militia adventures among Ammerman’s clients, and the Oklahoma City bombing; +the highest-ranking U.S. general who was captured by Pentecostal mind-benders, and who created Ammerman’s anti-government agitation bureau;
how British Empire master-race theorists concocted Pentecostalism; their colonial religious experiments among blacks in the United States and Africa;
the America-hating, feudalist, high church aristocrats and globalists who pushed through “charismatic renewal”; and
the national security danger from this British-owned military, paramilitary, and religious apparatus, including such operatives as Pat Robertson.
« Last Edit: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:02pm by Ahmed_El-Shabazz »

“Without the knowledge of the history of our people before the making of the white race, you will never be able to really understand who God is.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh)

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Posts: 1887
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #6 on: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:03pm » Quote Modify Remove

Colonel Ammerman: treason in the Army
A videotape is circulating among the militia networks, entitled “The Imminent Military Takeover of the United States.” This is a speech by the Rev. Jim Ammerman to the Prophecy Club of Topeka, Kansas. Ammerman warns that the President, aided by masses of foreign troops already on American soil, will soon put the nation under martial law–if God does not end the world before the current President can act. Ammerman decrees that President Bill Clinton should long ago have been executed, for avoiding the Vietnam draft.
Ammerman, who retired in 1977 as a U.S. Army colonel and chaplain, is described by the Prophecy Club as a former Green Beret and “CIA official” with 26 years in the military, and top-secret security clearance. He is the leader of some 200 chaplains now serving in the U.S. Armed Forces under the banner of his group, the Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches. His chaplains presumably speak in tongues and perform supernatural cures, as does he. He tells his audience that his chaplains provide him with inside information about military activities ordered by what he claims is the illegal dictatorship of the U.S. President.

Ammerman’s frantic tapes and faxes have been pushed all over the populist and Pentecostal milieu, and to the members of the Republic of Texas group. Douglas Towne, manager of a ghostly Ammerman-led intelligence group called the Mount Rushmore Foundation, told this reporter that the Ammerman circle had extensive communications with the chief provocateur in the siege, Richard Otto (“White Eagle”). Towne calls Otto “a real soldier … just like Tim McVeigh [convicted in the Oklahoma City bombing], … who can’t be shaken or broken, confident that he has backing.”

In recent weeks, Ammerman has spread the warning, or threat, that some form of terrorist act will soon occur, giving the “illegal” U.S. government the pretext for the imposition of martial law.

Why is our government “illegal”? Ammerman’s fellow Prophecy Club speaker, Ralph Epperson, explains that the United States was founded by Luciferians, Illuminati communist-masons, in order to usher in Satan’s rule.

Ammerman himself is a furious Anglophile. He warns of foreign soldiers on U.S. bases, especially Germans, whom he calls “enemy troops”; but to him, nothing British is foreign. He reviles the U.S.A. historically. John Kennedy’s mafia background got him killed, after he had passed the time during the Bay of Pigs crisis by womanizing; Abraham Lincoln was a dictator, understandably murdered, he claims. Ammerman lies that President Clinton has murdered many people to cover his crimes. He thus creates a climate in which Clinton’s murder would be “understandable.” Meanwhile, he pretends to strangers that God has told him secrets about their personal problems, and that he has supernatural powers to help those who will suspend their reason

« Last Edit: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:03pm by Ahmed_El-Shabazz »

“Without the knowledge of the history of our people before the making of the white race, you will never be able to really understand who God is.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh)

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Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #7 on: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:04pm » Quote Modify Remove

This purported Christian minister, on whose authority the Pentagon employs a large number of its chaplains throughout the world, is no single bad apple. As we shall see, his chaplaincy is a British intelligence and Anglican Church project, involving a former top-level U.S. Army general with responsibility for counterinsurgency, whose brain was scrambled by Pentecostal operatives.

Ammerman lies, whipping up anti-government activists, maneuvering them into terrorism or what looks suspiciously like terrorism. The British have acted through other channels, in tandem with Ammerman, triangulating propaganda fire against the same audience of potential patsies.

Britain’s U.S. militias and Oklahoma City
Just before the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Lord William Rees-Mogg, the London Times’s strategist of the Conservative Revolution, issued a false report designed to provoke armed clashes between “citizen militias” and the U.S. government. Rees-Mogg’s report was in the March 22, 1995 Strategic Investment newsletter, which is published jointly by himself and James Dale Davidson, the head of the U.S.-based National Taxpayers Union. The Rees-Mogg provocation was very widely circulated, by fax and other means, among populists in the U.S. Western states. It read as follows:

“The slaughter of dozens of women and children in Waco by government stormtroopers under the command of Field Marshal Reno may pale in comparison to what has been planned for late March [elsewhere the date is given as March 25]: a nationwide BATF/FBI assault on private militias as the prelude to a possible declaration of martial law throughout the United States. All leaves have been canceled for BATF/FBI personnel…. Government agent provocateurs are set to plant fully automatic and heavy weapons, like rocket launchers, on the property of militia leaders. Every militia in the country–and there are dozens, many of which are well-armed and well-led by former or even active duty officers–is on a state of Red Alert. Should Reno be stupid enough to actually attack them militarily, there is going to be a lot of blood.

“The establishment media is programmed to immediately thereafter thunderously bellow for nationwide gun confiscation and even martial law.”

In a later interview with this reporter, Soldier of Fortune writer James Pate claimed credit for originating the story put out by Lord Rees-Mogg; Pate pretended it was fed to him by a source in the Treasury Department Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). Colorado-based Soldier of Fortune magazine, a global recruitment channel for mercenaries and assassins, was started up in the 1970s with seed money from British Special Air Services operatives in Africa.

On March 25, 1995, reacting to the Rees-Mogg provocation, about 125 hapless militia activists turned out at Cuero, Texas, to see whether they would be arrested or slaughtered on the predicted date. At the rally, Texas Constitutional Militia attorney Carl Haggard, touted as a national militia spokesman in the Soldier of Fortune April issue then on the newsstands, demanded that the militiamen drop politics, and prepare themselves with straight military training. Haggard is a former corporate attorney for the Anglo-Dutch multi, Shell Oil.

The same day as Lord Rees-Mogg’s memo went out, March 22, 1995, a very spooky British agent named Jon Roland faxed and e-mailed this warning to journalists and militias: “We have … reports of possible plans for atrocities to be committed by agents against innocent persons and blamed on militia activists. The atrocity targets include … homes and families of … government agents, judges, and elected officials. This would provide a pretext for labeling militiamen `terrorists.’… Crowded public places, to be bombed and the bombings blamed on militia leaders, with evidence to later be planted on them.” Four weeks later, 168 died in the Oklahoma City blast.

« Last Edit: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:05pm by Ahmed_El-Shabazz » ——————————————————————————
“Without the knowledge of the history of our people before the making of the white race, you will never be able to really understand who God is.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh)

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Posts: 1887
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #8 on: Sep 25th, 2008, 9:06pm » Quote Modify Remove

The British Empire invents Pentecostalism
According to Pentecostal lore, the movement began when a woman spoke in tongues in the church of Charles Fox Parham in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901. Reverend Parham spread the method until it blossomed in the famous Azusa Street, Los Angeles, revival of 1906; from there, disciples took it around the world.

During the year preceeding the launch-time, Parham had caught fire with British Israelism. He had been indoctrinated into the Empire’s mystery cult by emissaries of one Frank Sandford, who ran a cult center called Shiloh, near Durham, Maine. Parham made a pilgrimage and studied under Sandford at Shiloh, after which the two of them went on tour through Canada.

Sandford had made the New England Toryism of his fancy Anglophile family relations into a career, travelling back and forth to England, working to inculcate Americans into the British Empire gospel.

In those days, British Israelism was not shy. Its literature, such as The Anglo-American Alliance in Prophecy, or The Promise to the Fathers, published by Our Race Publishing Co., featured the masonic mummery of a pyramid topped by an all-seeing eyeball. The Egyptian pyramids allegedly contained coded secrets for understanding prophecy. The explicit message of the British Israel propaganda was, Americans should give up their mistaken Revolution, and reunite with their Anglo-Saxon racial brethren in the English fatherland. The movement’s masonic Anglomania was proudly displayed. Parham’s biography, written by his daughter, includes a photo of a mystery gavel, brought back from Palestine and donated by Parham to his masonic lodge.

With British Israelism as his theory of man’s cosmic destiny, Parham began teaching Americans how to die mentally, to speak in tongues, as a religious exercise, allegedly re-creating the descent of the Holy Ghost upon Christ’s Apostles during the Jewish feast of Pentecost. He took this show on the road from Topeka, and in Houston, Texas, a black preacher named William J. Seymour, the son of a slave, became part of his audience. The catch was, that Parham, being a crazed racist, would not permit Seymour inside the lecture hall; he had to listen at the window, or in the hallway.

Much is made of Seymour’s spreading of the technique to a mostly black congregation on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, and of the fascination and novelty it held for visiting religious adventurers who took “Pentecostalism” out to the world. The movement was widely condemned by Christians as scandalous exploitation, and its historical origins faded into the mist. Frank Sandford spent ten years in jail for manslaughter, after many of his cult members died. Charles Parham’s religious vocation was destroyed when he was charged with sodomizing a young male follower in Texas; Parham went on to a new career as a stump speaker for the Ku Klux Klan.

In 1908, British and allied American missionaries, who had observed the success of the experiment among blacks in America, brought Pentecostalism to South Africa. The British Empire had just then completed its conquest of that country in the Boer War against the Dutch-immigrant Afrikaner settlers. The great majority of the population were black Africans, including the rebellious Zulus, whom the British had militarily subdued in 1906. The new British masters shaped a uniquely brutal system of racial separation and slave labor, called apartheid.

The cultists and hypnotists went to work on the Zulus of South Africa. At the new Apostolic Faith Mission church, Zulu worshippers, in trances, would fall into heaps, clustered around the altar. British Empire South African strategist Cecil Rhodes congratulated the Pentecostal mind-benders for pacifying the natives as no military could have done.

Americans had better reflect deeply about what the British have done to Africa. For it was precisely the British Empire’s apparatus for colonial conquest in Africa, which fashioned irrational Pentecostalism as one among the weapons used against America’s “uppity” spirit of Reason and Progress.

“Without the knowledge of the history of our people before the making of the white race, you will never be able to really understand who God is.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh)

Forum God

May the Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you!

Posts: 732
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #9 on: Oct 21st, 2008, 1:32pm » Quote Modify Remove

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful Master Fard Muhammad the Lord of all the Worlds to Whom Praise is due forever and His last Messenger the Honorable Elijah Muhammad may Allah be pleased with him.

Our Saviour Has Arrived
3 There is one thing I hope to make clear to my people and that is: the Christian religion, as taught and misunderstood by them, is not what they have thought it was. Jesus’ history refers more to a future Jesus than the past. There is a prophecy of a Son being prepared to redeem man (the so-called Negroes). This Jesus made His appearance July 4, 1930 and His work is now in effect.

As-Salaam Alaikum

The ‘Satanic’ Brotherhood with clergymen in its ranks

Freemasonry: Dr Rowan Williams reveals his concerns over a secret society he believes is incompatible with the Christian faith
By Jason Bennetto
15 November 2002

Freemasonry describes itself on its website as the “UK’s largest secular, fraternal, and charitable organisation”. So why does the new Archbishop of Canterbury think it is a secret society with dubious spiritual credentials? And why does Dr Rowan Williams also believe that Church of England ministers should not belong to the Brotherhood, an organisation he describes as incompatible with Christianity?

His views will be greeted with astonishment by the significant number of senior clergymen and Christians who are members of the 350,000-strong Craft, who have organised a slick media campaign to counter bad publicity.

The Freemasons of England now have a website The United Grand Lodge of England says that it is not a “secret society”, but merely holds private meetings.

“Freemasonry does not try to replace religion or substitute for it. Freemasonry requires a belief in God and its principles are common to many of the world’s great religions,” it says. “There are elements within certain churches who misunderstand Freemasonry and confuse secular rituals with religious liturgy.”

It adds that many of its members are Anglicans and Catholics and would be “dismayed that the churches should attack Freemasonry”.

But some observers believe that at the heart of the Craft – and known only to those who reach the highest levels – there is a sinister quasi-religion based on a composite Masonic God, known as Jah-Bul-On.

In his 1984 book The Brotherhood, Stephen Knight turned the spotlight on the inner workings of the Masons. “I have spoken to 57 long-standing Royal Arch Freemasons [one of the most senior groups], who have been happy to talk to me.All but four lost their composure when I said, ‘What about Jah-Bul-On?’,” he wrote.

A spokesman for Dr Williams said yesterday that many Christians believed that Jah-Bul-On was considered to refer to the “incarnation of Satan”. He added that the Masons promised in the 1980s to drop any reference to Jah-Bul-On because of the offence it was causing.


Let us give praise for the coming of our God Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad.

Forum God

May the Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you!

Posts: 732
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #10 on: Oct 21st, 2008, 1:34pm » Quote Modify Remove

…In a letter to Hugh Sinclair, a man who for years has been investigating the Brotherhood, Dr Williams said: “I have real misgivings about the compatibility of Masonry and Christian profession.” He later said he questioned whether it was “appropriate for Christian ministers to belong to secret organisations” and expressed “anxiety about the spiritual content of Masonry”.

He also raised the issue of “back scratching” and the possible debt clergymen may feel towards fellow members of the Craft.

The relationship between Freemasons and the Catholic and Anglican churches has been a complex and at times a fraught one.

Dr Williams’ spokesman said: “From the end of the 19th century a lot of Anglican clergy got involved in Freemasonry. In the 20th century a number of very senior clergymen were Masons. In the 1960s people started turning against the idea of secret societies and a number of Anglican ministers saw it as possibly Satanically inspired.”

The influence of the Brotherhood within the Church of England has continued and the Freemasons acknowledge that many clergymen and Anglicans are members.

Leading Mason Church of England clergymen of the past include the former Archbishop of Canterbury Geoffrey Fisher, who headed the Church of England from 1945 to 1961. He held the senior post of Grand Chaplain for the United Grand Lodge of England.

Robert Milburn, the former Dean of Worcester, held the same senior Masonic post as the Archbishop.

John Habgood, the former Archbishop of York, told the General Synod that he believed Freemasonry was a “fairly harmless eccentricity” and later expressed the view that he did not see any conflict in being a Mason and a Christian.

In July 1987 the General Synod, the governing body of the Church of England, ducked the issue when bishops endorsed a report looking into whether being a Christian and a Freemason were compatible.

A working party concluded that Freemasons who belonged to the church did not think there was a problem, while non-Masons thought there were difficulties. The issue has not been debated since.

At one stage Catholics were banned from being Freemasons, but the two are no longer seen as incompatible providing Catholics belong to a British branch of the Masons.

Critics believe this is partly due to the influence of members of the Brotherhood within the Catholic church. mbolism/

As-Salaam Alaikum

Let us give praise for the coming of our God Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad.

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Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #11 on: Oct 21st, 2008, 3:22pm » Quote Modify Remove

[quote author=Seneca

In a letter to Hugh Sinclair, a man who for years has been investigating the Brotherhood, Dr Williams said: “I have real misgivings about the compatibility of Masonry and Christian profession.” He later said he questioned whether it was “appropriate for Christian ministers to belong to secret organisations” and expressed “anxiety about the spiritual content of Masonry”.

He also raised the issue of “back scratching” and the possible debt clergymen may feel towards fellow members of the Craft.

The relationship between Freemasons and the Catholic and Anglican churches has been a complex and at times a fraught one.

Dr Williams’ spokesman said: “From the end of the 19th century a lot of Anglican clergy got involved in Freemasonry. In the 20th century a number of very senior clergymen were Masons. In the 1960s people started turning against the idea of secret societies and a number of Anglican ministers saw it as possibly Satanically inspired.”

The influence of the Brotherhood within the Church of England has continued and the Freemasons acknowledge that many clergymen and Anglicans are members.

Leading Mason Church of England clergymen of the past include the former Archbishop of Canterbury Geoffrey Fisher, who headed the Church of England from 1945 to 1961. He held the senior post of Grand Chaplain for the United Grand Lodge of England.

Robert Milburn, the former Dean of Worcester, held the same senior Masonic post as the Archbishop.

John Habgood, the former Archbishop of York, told the General Synod that he believed Freemasonry was a “fairly harmless eccentricity” and later expressed the view that he did not see any conflict in being a Mason and a Christian.

In July 1987 the General Synod, the governing body of the Church of England, ducked the issue when bishops endorsed a report looking into whether being a Christian and a Freemason were compatible.

A working party concluded that Freemasons who belonged to the church did not think there was a problem, while non-Masons thought there were difficulties. The issue has not been debated since.

At one stage Catholics were banned from being Freemasons, but the two are no longer seen as incompatible providing Catholics belong to a British branch of the Masons.

Critics believe this is partly due to the influence of members of the Brotherhood within the Catholic church. mbolism/

As-Salaam Alaikum [/quote]


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I love YaBB 1G – SP1!

Posts: 510
Re: Brotherhood of the Crusaders
« Reply #12 on: Oct 21st, 2008, 3:56pm » Quote Modify Remove

As-Salaam Alaikum

Our Saviour Has Arrived

3 There is one thing I hope to make clear to my people and that is: the Christian religion, as taught and misunderstood by them, is not what they have thought it was.

Jesus’ history refers more to a future Jesus than the past. There is a prophecy of a Son being prepared to redeem man (the so-called Negroes).

This Jesus made His appearance July 4, 1930 and His work is now in effect.

It REALLY is about do you think the above is factual or not.

I know it is.

But, not by *blind faith*.

I learned early from Brother, Minister Ahmed El Shabazz, that one must study in order to have facts.
That was over 20 years ago.

I know it is true. I do not merley believe it.

Only a man that is Supreme to the “other Allahs” could have been correct concerning EVERY historical event, He mentioned.

The Caucasians/White people have given us pictorial pics of their actions.


Obviously, it is in their “nature”.

Not that ALL White people behave the same.

They do have the “nature* for it.

Like I read the Messenger(pbuh) state, every snake won’t bite you but, it’s still a snake.

As-Salaam Alaikum

« Last Edit: Oct 21st, 2008, 4:12pm by shlomo7 »

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